Monday, November 8, 2010

Dane Adam Craig Wedel

Dane, was born on the 16th March 1991 at 8:30am.  It was a difficult pregnancy, but out of that came this beautiful, bonny baby boy.  I knew you were a boy Dane, I knew you'd be amazing from the beginning.  You have a specialness about you that puts you a notch, or 10, above all the other boys.  You were grown up before your time and you were born "together".  I think throughout your young life I maybe relied on you more than I should have.  You have always amazed me with your mind, although, i do think Britt and I would both agree that your mind processes things differently to us.  You have brought balance to our little family.  You and Britt and I were always such a great team.  I admire you, look up to you, trust you and love you.  You are, and always will be the "man" of the house.  You took on responsibility and wore it with pride.  Thank you.

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