Sunday, June 10, 2012


As sleep eludes me the questions linger
What is the meaning of this love you profess
The Longing and the Agony
The Happiness and the Bliss

Soul-mates, of that I am certain
but the contradiction and pain of it all,
fills my soul with thoughts that make me uncertain
of who you are and the love you give.

The path I am on is sure and steadfast
my role is clear and decided
where you fit in is still unsure
and what to do is in the air

The love we shared when together
has left it's indelible mark in my heart
my soul is changed forever
by your love which seemed so pure and clear

Tonight I leave it in the hands of the Almighty
who fashions and molds me
to do the work I've been sent here to do
to decide my future with or without you 

By Deborah Rutherford

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